Living Benefits

A living benefit is like a superhero for your family. It's a special power that protects your family's finances if something goes wrong. If someone gets very sick, living benefits can help pay for their medical treatment. Your family gets what they need in tough times, so you feel safe and secure knowing you have a guardian angel taking care of them.

Kathy & Cong Tran

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Living Benefits

A living benefit adds a layer of protection to life insurance policies, providing invaluable support in difficult times. Getting a portion of your death benefit while you're alive is possible with living benefits if you have a critical illness, chronic illness, or terminal illness.

  • Critical Illness Protection

  • Flexible Spending

  • Accidents, chronic conditions, cancer, heart conditions, & other critical illnesses

  • Income Replacement

  • Covered in all aspects of health conditions


It’s a True Financial Lifeline

Living Benefits Vs. cancer

Living Benefits Attacking Monsters

In the wild realm of health, there are a multitude of monstrous creatures known as critical illnesses, lurking and ready to pounce when we least expect it. But fear not! Living benefits step in as the valiant protectors, armed with their unique powers, to shield us from these monstrous foes.

Comprehensive Protection

With living benefits, individuals and their families can have peace of mind knowing they have comprehensive protection that extends beyond just the death benefit, ensuring their financial well-being throughout life's unexpected circumstances.

Multiple qualifying events.

These benefits can provide support in various situations, such as critical illnesses, chronic conditions, or terminal illnesses. They offer financial assistance to cover medical expenses, replace lost income, or address other financial needs that may arise due to health-related challenges.

Flexible for all life's events

Living benefits can be accessed in case of critical, chronic, or terminal illness, providing financial support during challenging times. This additional feature enhances the overall value and flexibility of the life insurance policy, offering protection during both life and death circumstances.

Heart Attack

Living benefits act as a formidable shield against the monstrous heart attack, helping individuals conquer this formidable foe and regain their strength. When a heart attack strikes, it can be a terrifying experience, both physically and emotionally. But living benefits step in as a hero, offering crucial assistance in the battle for recovery.


As a monstrous presence lurking within the body, cancer instills fear and uncertainty in those it afflicts. However, living benefits emerge as a powerful weapon, ready to confront this formidable adversary head-on. With their support, individuals can summon the strength to battle against the relentless onslaught of cancer.


As fearsome monster, accidents strike swiftly and unexpectedly, leaving chaos and devastation in their wake. However, living benefits emerge as a guardian angel, offering solace and protection in the face of this relentless adversary. With their presence, individuals can find comfort and reassurance as they navigate the aftermath of accidents.

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." - Chinese Proverb

Having a living benefits policy is incredibly important for everyone, regardless of age or circumstances. It's like having a superhero by your side, protecting you and your family when you need it the most. Here's why everyone should have a living benefits policy:

  1. Superpowers for Tough Times: Life is full of surprises, and sometimes those surprises can be difficult. With living benefits, you have the power to access money from your policy if you get very sick. This money can help pay for medical treatments and take care of your family's needs during challenging times.

  2. Safety Net for Your Loved Ones: Imagine knowing that even if something happens to you, your family will be taken care of. Living benefits provide a safety net by offering financial support to your loved ones. It can help cover daily expenses, debts, and even provide funds for your children's education.

  3. Peace of Mind: Having a living benefits policy brings peace of mind. You can rest easy knowing that you and your family are protected from unexpected financial hardships. Whether it's a critical illness or a chronic condition, your living benefits policy will be there to support you.

FAQ Living Benefits

What are living benefits in a life insurance policy?

Living benefits are additional features in a life insurance policy that provide financial protection while the policyholder is still alive. They offer benefits such as access to a portion of the death benefit in case of critical, chronic, or terminal illness.

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How do living benefits work?

Living benefits work by allowing policyholders to receive a portion of the death benefit if they experience a qualifying medical condition. This money can be used to cover medical expenses, replace lost income, or fulfill other financial needs during a challenging time. This is not a loan. You get an advance of the policy due to your health conditions.

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What types of medical conditions qualify for living benefits?

The specific medical conditions that qualify for living benefits may vary depending on the insurance policy. However, common conditions may include critical illnesses like cancer, heart attack, or stroke, chronic illnesses that require ongoing care or assistance, and terminal illnesses where life expectancy is limited. It's important to review the policy terms and conditions to understand the specific conditions covered by the living benefits.

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Are living benefits available in all types of life insurance policies?

Living benefits are not available in all types of life insurance policies. They are typically included in specific types of policies, such as certain types of permanent life insurance like Indexed Universal Life (IUL) or Whole Life insurance. It's important to review the details of the policy or consult with an insurance professional to determine if the policy you are considering includes living benefits. Most of our policy includes Living Benefits at no additional charge.

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How are living benefits different from traditional life insurance benefits?

Traditional life insurance benefits, also known as the death benefit, are paid out to the beneficiaries after the policyholder passes away. Living benefits, on the other hand, provide benefits to the policyholder while they are still alive. Living benefits can be accessed in case of critical, chronic, or terminal illness, providing financial support during challenging times. This additional feature enhances the overall value and flexibility of the life insurance policy, offering protection during both life and death circumstances.

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Kathy & Cong Tran

Kathy & Cong Tran

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